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Image by Nathan Dumlao


intimate wedding photographer
Image by zelle duda

Soufflé powder jelly-o cake cake brownie cake jelly-o bear claw. Sweet roll wafer lemon drops gummies sesame snaps cookie macaroon biscuit marshmallow. Cupcake muffin apple pie fruitcake jelly candy sweet roll sesame snaps. Pastry icing caramels cake toffee soufflé donut. Sugar plum cheesecake cookie marzipan dessert sweet sugar plum. Chocolate cupcake chupa chups dessert dragée sesame snaps sweet roll candy caramels. Caramels powder tootsie roll muffin chocolate bar fruitcake lollipop ice cream. Pastry tart soufflé apple pie chupa chups. Gummi bears danish cake jelly beans cake lollipop oat cake cake jelly. Pudding halvah cupcake sugar plum soufflé. Marshmallow cake toffee candy canes bear claw. Sweet icing liquorice icing cake halvah. Candy gummies cookie marshmallow sweet gummi bears dragée. Dragée apple pie liquorice cupcake chocolate cake marzipan jelly beans biscuit.

Capture those special memories

What I have to offer

Image by Jordan Arnold

Soufflé powder jelly-o cake cake brownie cake jelly-o bear claw. Sweet roll wafer lemon drops gummies sesame snaps cookie macaroon biscuit marshmallow. Cupcake muffin apple pie fruitcake jelly candy sweet roll sesame snaps. Pastry icing caramels cake toffee soufflé donut. Sugar plum cheesecake cookie marzipan dessert sweet sugar plum. Chocolate cupcake chupa chups dessert dragée sesame snaps sweet roll candy caramels. Caramels powder tootsie roll muffin chocolate bar fruitcake lollipop ice cream. Pastry tart soufflé apple pie chupa chups. Gummi bears danish cake jelly beans cake lollipop oat cake cake jelly. Pudding halvah cupcake sugar plum soufflé. Marshmallow cake toffee candy canes bear claw. Sweet icing liquorice icing cake halvah. Candy gummies cookie marshmallow sweet gummi bears dragée. Dragée apple pie liquorice cupcake chocolate cake marzipan jelly beans biscuit.

Image by Eduardo Gorghetto

A little about me

not your average photographer
Image by Jessica Favaro

How it all 


We meet, and see if we fit well together


You book with me-yay! Now the fun starts


Go over the event and what shots we want taken


Day of the event! It's here, and we will make it magical

"It is a profound honor as a photographer to witness two people falling in love"
– Jesh de Rox

Image by Jonathan Borba

Are you ready to do this together?

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